
Thursday, January 24

Camoflauged Misfit | OOTD

Her attitude Rihanna, she get it from her Mama
She jiggy like Madonna, but she trippy like Nirvana
-- A.$.A.P Rocky, "Fashion Killa"

Anytime I can get my brother to take my pictures, he always finds a way to capture all my funny moments so enjoy me making faces and dancing! Check him out on INSTAGRAM

Jean Vest- Thrifted & DIYed | Grey hoodie - Ralph Lauren | Camo shirt - Thrifted
Dark Wash Jeans- Levi's | Tan Socks - Delia's | Neon Orange Vans

Today was one of those days where I woke up feeling extremely lazy and uninspired. It doesn't help that it's still freezing outside and I'd rather sit at home in my jammies all day then put in effort into my physical appearance for class. On days like these I go to my Inspiration wall and pray to the Fashion Gods for divine intervention. I saw an old picture I took this past summer of me wearing these neon orange vans and some tan socks and decided to do a winter variation. These vans are sure to make a statement no matter what I wear and satisfy my current obsession with neon. They're loud and obnoxious and scream "look at me, look at me" (plus i don't have to worry about not being seen at night). With this camo and neon on I felt like a deer hunter or whatever it is that people hunt around here. This denim vest is probably my favorite item in  my closet not because it's super hip and trendy but because it was the first clothing item I ever DIY'd. It began my exploration into fashion and helped to shape my personal style. Plus it is pretty darn dope. 

In other news, I am currently addicted to A.S.A.P Rocky's new Album, Long. Live. A$AP .. you can buy a copy here ...
I have two favorite songs besides F*ckin Problem at the moment. The first is Wild for the Night, it's definitely one of those getting ready for a night out kinda jams. It'll have you feeling ready for whatever the night has to throw on you.
The second song is Fashion Killa. I absolutely love ASAP Rocky's personal style and how he isn't afraid to be different and this song definitely shows that he knows his designers and is up on the fashion game. I had this song loud and on repeat this morning while getting dressed... I left both songs below so tell me what ya think 

Till Later Loves
xo Siatta

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