2015 is over...
2015 is OVER.
I read a question posed online a few days ago that said "Describe 2015 in one word" If you would have asked me this a few weeks ago I would have said, frustrations or disappointments but today I think I'll go with Growth! I can happily say that with everything that went wrong this year, I have grown more into the woman I've always envisioned. I am selfish with my time, my energy, my love and more tolerate, peaceful, and happy in my own skin. As I reflect on the past year I realize that I set some huge expectations for my life in 2015. I was a new graduate with this idea that I'd live the American dream, a great job, a fly new place, a dope ride, a man I am helplessly in love with & adventures all over the globe. But I soon came to realize that I wasn't as sure of myself as I thought and way too cocky in areas I shouldn't be. All this year, I've felt stagnant and stuck in a position in life that I wasn't ecstatic about with no real idea on how to escape it. I now know that I must embrace where I am and give it my all. I now know that I must move out of my comfort zone sometimes and that every seemingly great opportunity isn't meant for me. I realize that achieving my dreams is gonna take busting my ass and doing things even when I'd rather do nothing. I have learned to go with flow and to say yes to changes (even if I hate it). I've grown a new appreciation for my family and friends and how they always believe in me even when I'm not too sure of myself. They know I am capable of greatness which sort of made me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to. I had lost my faith in myself for awhile there and with some meditation and soul searching, I've centered myself. I am more sure of my path. I am so pumped up about creating a life worthy of being called dope.
I am currently thankful for 2015 and all it's lessons and I am looking forward to my 2016 blessings.
xoxo Siatta Konah
Very inpirational. Keep up Great things are ahead of you 2016 and beyond!